From research conducted by the Aquaculture Research Center in Jakarta Indonesia mangrove pond Blanakan village Subang district of West Java with a method of research conducted at four stations are:
1. Open Pond
2. Pond Intercropping
3. Pond Soil Incurred
4. Perhutani Pond.
The observed parameters are: composition, abundance, diversity index, uniformity index and dominance index, obtained results that the abundance of plankton in the ponds reaches Blanakan village mangrove 2161.5 to 2391.46 ind / L which is dominated by Chrysophyceae class while the plankton community in ponds mangrove village Blanakan quite stable with the diversity index of 1.83 to 0.36, the uniformity index of 0.78 - 0:09 and the dominance index of 0.24 to 0.07.
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