Thursday, August 19, 2010

Aquaculture Aeration

Since a majority of all aquaculture problems, including disease, are caused by poor water quality and, in turn, most water quality problems can be resolved with proper aeration (oxygenation), it is clear that aeration plays a crucial role in this process.

Oxygen is the main limiting factor in both recirculating and traditional aquaculture systems. Less than the required levels lead to poor water quality, poor feed conversion ratios (FCR), reduced growth and increased mortality. With high energy prices, energy efficiency is becoming much more important when comparing aeration techniques and devices. Many of the traditional aeration devices like paddlewheels and aspirator style aerators have a poor track record of reliability and higher overall energy requirements. “Aerator Graveyards” have become a common sight throughout the industry as old aeration devices are replaced and discarded year after year.

Typical Aerator "Graveyard"

Colorite Aero-Tube™ aeration tubing can solve these problems with these distinct its advantages:

  • Reduces energy costs by up to 75%
  • Lack of moving parts provides a very low maintenance alternative
  • Maintains higher dissolved oxygen (DO) levels
  • Allows for higher stocking densities
  • Allows for higher feeding rates
  • Allows for more frequent feedings
  • Faster Growth and reduced FCR
  • Low start up cost
  • Low replacement cost

Aero-Tube™ technology has been used successfully with a wide range of Aquaculture species and in a wide range of production systems. Whether you are producing shrimp or fish, anywhere you are using traditional aeration systems to oxygenate your water, you can benefit from the efficiency and durability of an Aero-Tube™ system. Aero-Tube™ Technology

When planning for the proper aeration of an aquaculture system, there are many points to consider. Please feel free to contact us and we can help design and Aero-Tube™ solution for you.

To see the many options for using Aero-Tube™ Technology please visit Aero-Tube™ Products where you will find a solution that is right for you.

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