Surface Aerators: True surface aerators function by moving a large volume of water (800 – 1300 gpm.) a maximum of 3-4 feet into the air, thereby increasing gas transfer within the pond, inducing circulation and improving water quality. As a result of the massive amount of water being pumped into the air and splashing back down onto the water surface, a wave action radiates outward from the unit towards the pond or lake perimeter. Surface aerators are extremely effective in ponds which are less than 10 feet deep. The size, shape and depth of your water body will influence the size and quantity of surface aerators you need. A surface aeration system may be as simple as one unit or may involve several units strategically located around the water body. View our Aerator Models & Online Pricing
Surface Fountains

Subsurface Aeration System As you might expect, subsurface aeration systems are entirely different from surface aerators or fountains. Rather than pumping water into the air to increase gas transfer and induce circulation, subsurface aeration systems pump air into the water. Systems of “synergistic airlift diffusers” are placed on or near the bottom of the water body. Compressed air is pumped through underwater airlines to the diffusers, bubbles out of the diffusers, and rises through the water column to the surface. As the air rises, the bubbles expand, entrain the surrounding water molecules and “pump” them towards the surface, producing a gentle boiling of water and bubbles at the surface. These systems are extremely effective in destratifying a water body. In fact, the greater the depth the more efficient the system. Subsurface aeration systems are most effective in ponds with a depth greater than 12 feet or in lakes, and are not a cost effective option for smaller water bodies. Not all aeration systems are created equal. One must closely examine actual pumping rate, oxygen transfer rate and amperage draw of the motor before making a determination as to which system to purchase. For over 50 years, the Rowledge Pond Fish Hatchery has utilized aeration units from a wide variety of manufacturers, and we have even made a few of our own. We have found the PowerHouse surface aerators and surface fountains are the most durable, efficient and effective surface aeration systems on the market. We use PowerHouse surface aerators exclusively in our hatchery facility, and are proud to be their Northeast distributor. Rowledge Pond Aquaculture can assess your pond or lake and design, build and install an aeration system for you which meets both your property management objectives as well as the ecological needs of the pond.
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